Pair-a-Dimes 13 – Shelly Sanchez Terrell
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Description: Shelly was interviewed at ISTE in June of 2016, the Edupassions project she announces happened in the fall of 2016. When Shelly puts her mind on a task, no matter how big the dream, she makes it happen. We have been connected for a decade now, and I am always amazed at her ability to make passions into reality. Be sure to see the show notes for links to many of the things we discuss.
Show Notes: [Listen Now]
- Shelly Sanchez Terrell :: Website: :: Blog: Teacher Reboot Camp :: Twitter: @ShellTerrell
- Edchat co-founder
- Shelly’s Books: The 30 Goals Challenge for Teachers and Learning to Go
- Other books mentioned: Carol Dweck’s Mindset: The New Psychology of Success and George Couros’ The Innovator’s Mindset: Empower Learning, Unleash Talent, and Lead a Culture of Creativity
- Edspeakers – Shelly’s page, and Sarah Thomas (@sarahdateechur)
- Reform Symposium, and my presentation for it: Shifting Learning #RSCON4
- We also talk about learning through failure, which I talk about in the conference presentation above, and expand on in my blog post Learning and Failure.
- Passion into reality ~ Edupassions Conference (held in Fall 2016)

- Next week’s guest on Podcasting Pair-a-Dimes: Kathleen McClaskey (@khmmc)
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Music: Solar Flares by Silent Partner